Monday, January 28, 2008

Little Dracula

Here are some photos of Dylan dressed up for Halloween. Although we don't really celebrate Halloween over here Dylan's day care had a dress up day and he wanted to go as Dracula. I would have preferred maybe a fireman...bob the builder or something maybe a little more tame. But he really wanted to be Dracula, so i gave in. Doesn't he look freaky. I couldn't look at him the whole day, cause he would freak me out!!

DD Such a big boy

Here are some pictures of Dylan on the morning that Laura called. He has such a cheeky smile doesn't he. In the first picture he is showing off his muscles. He is such a big boy and starts preschool this week. Scary....

New Photos

Hi guys sorry to be slack on the bad! I don't really have all that much time to right a novel right now but here are some photos for you all. This is lily the morning that laura called. I took these photos as Laura was on the phone. Isn't she cute. Dylan was still in bed so no brand new ones of him. Love to all jen