Monday, January 28, 2008

DD Such a big boy

Here are some pictures of Dylan on the morning that Laura called. He has such a cheeky smile doesn't he. In the first picture he is showing off his muscles. He is such a big boy and starts preschool this week. Scary....


Audrey said...

Awww! Such a cutey. He looks so much like Paul. Even his cheeky expression.

Loribee said...

He has grown so much! He is hardly the little toddler I met a couple of years ago.. Miss him so much. Tell the kiddos their Nana in America loves them all the world.

gbuggman said...

He really is spitting image of Paul. He looks very tall.

Antigone said...

I agree that he is a spitting image of Paul. So cute. And starting preschool? I bet he is so excited.

Tricia said...

Waaay too cool for school! Love you, Dylan!