Monday, October 29, 2007

A splashing good time

Monday is swimming lesson day in our house. This is Dylan and Grace today on their third swimming lesson for the season. With summer just around the corner I thought that now would be a great time to get Dylan back into it so as he will be nice and confident by Summer. He made me so proud today...he has come along way from the boy who couldn't bear to get water in his ears. Louise his teacher is fabulous and now has him diving and swimming out to her under the water, floating on his back with a kick board and just having loads of fun with the other kids.

He is really starting to enjoy the water so I am hoping to get him in to nippers (mini surf life savers) as soon as he is old enough. I can't wait, I can just imagine him in the adorable little outfit. Living at the beach I think it is so important to be a confident swimmer. And hopefully by the end of this summer he will be of and racing.


Loribee said...

Go Dylan Go! I am so proud of you.

Tricia said...

Great job, Dylan!

gbuggman said...

He could be the next Ian Thorpe.

lthatshottxx3 said...

awwww he's too cute!! i all of you!!